Pfizer CEO Bourla confronted over Covid-19 vaccines on the streets of Davos on his way to the WEF meeting
Published January 21, 2023 | By

The CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla was on his way to the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting when he was spotted on the streets of Davos by Rebel News associates who confronted him and started to ask critical questions to him about Pfizer’s vaccines and its impacts on Covid-19 and the Pandemic.
The Canadian news agency, Rebel News, caught up with Bourla this week on the streets of Davos, where they peppered him with a list of uncomfortable questions as he was walking towards the WEF meeting where oligarchs and the rest of Power Elite had their annual meeting.
Rebel News CEO Ezra Lavant, who was the one that asked the most critical questions to Bourla, wrote; “You know, there are hundreds of ‘accredited’ journalists here at the World Economic Forum – the biggest names in news, from CNN to the New York Times. But you have to understand: they’re all here as WEF members, not to hold the WEF to account. They’re on Pfizer’s team. They would never ask Pfizer a tough question.”
These were some of the questions that Albert Bourla recieved, but chose to ignore to answer any of them:
“Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission?”
“You said it was 100% effective then 90% and 80%, then 70% — but now we know that vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that a secret?”
“Is it time to apologize to the world? To give refunds back to the countries that poured all their money into a vaccine that doesn’t work?”
“You’ve made millions off the backs of people’s livelihoods, how does it feel to walk the streets as a millionaire on the backs of the regular person at home in Australia, in England and Canada?”
“What do you think about on your yacht? What do you think about on your private jet?”
“Are you only used to speaking to sympathetic media, is that why you don’t know how to answer questions?”
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